The Factory Must Grow is a short puzzle factory game made for GMTK 2024, where you are given a limited amount of space to produce the required items. As you complete goals, your available space will expand, but the production lines you already have will become unremovable, so it's important to build them to be scalable.

The item you need to deliver and the rate you need to deliver it at is listed at the top of the screen. Press number keys to select the building you want to place, press Tab to cycle between variants and R to rotate the building.

Updated 21 days ago
Published 22 days ago


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I like where this is going, where everything locks in and you've got to keep going around what you've already placed! If you can, maybe mention in your controls, that R rotates pieces, I was a little stuck trying to work around that.


That is a good point, I have added that to the description, thanks for the feedback!